It's not every day that receiving hand-me-downs from your mother means wearing a designer dress to a fancy awards show. In 2023, actor Salma Hayek walked the Oscars red carpet with her and François-Henri Pinault's daughter, Valentina Pinault. It was another instance where they had fans seeing double as visions in red, with Hayek's dress being a floor-length, custom Gucci gown, according to an Instagram post by stylist Rebecca Corbin-Murray. The bodice of Hayek's dress was a halter style with a cutout, and the skirt was sparkly and fringey. On the other hand, Valentina's strapless red dress was more of an understated glam look.
In an additional Instagram post, Corbin-Murray explained the sweet significance of Valentina's dress: "We pulled this beautiful Isaac Mizrahi dress for Valentina from Salma's archive. Swipe to see when Salma originally wore it in 1997." In the throwback photo, Hayek had a matching red shawl draped around her arms and bigger bling than Valentina, but they both rocked it.
Hayek and Valentina matched for another glamorous event
Ricky Vigil M / Justin E Palmer/Getty
Salma Hayek and Valentina Pinault also twinned via color-coordination in October 2023. For the premiere and after-party of the "Beckham" docuseries, Hayek wore one of Victoria Beckham's designs. Hayek's dress looked to be made of shiny, satin-like material and had an asymmetrical skirt.
It doesn't seem like Beckham designed Valentina's dress too, but as seen in photos shared by Glamour, Valentina wore a minidress made of velvet in about the same shade as her mother's gown. Valentina also added tights and a black blazer to her 'fit, and the mother-daughter pair had nearly the same pair of black platform heels on.
The harmony of their outfits may not be a coincidence. Based on their 2022 Vogue Mexico interview from when Hayek and Valentina were dual cover models, they have similar tastes. Hayek told the outlet, "In this house, we fight over clothes because she takes everything from my closet. Then I find nothing" (via ABC News).
Fashion shows have become family outings for Hayek, her husband, and their daughters
Victor Boyko/Getty
François-Henri Pinault has a major connection to the fashion industry since he's the CEO of Kering — a company that owns major fashion brands such as Gucci, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, and more. Because of that, he and Salma Hayek have been guests at many high-end fashion shows. Hayek and François took Valentina Pinault to a Gucci fashion show in Milan in February 2019, where the then-11-year-old wore almost $1,600 Gucci sneakers. The mother and daughter's lavish lifestyle also included seats at a Bottega Veneta runway show during that same Fashion Week, where Valentina carried a $1,250 purse.
In February 2023, Hayek and François brought teenager Valentina and François' 22-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, Mathilde Pinault, to a Gucci fashion show during Milan Fashion Week. Mathilde wore all black while Valentina had a black skirt with a long-sleeved blue top. Like her shimmery Oscars 2023 look, Hayek stunned in a blue dress with silver sparkly elements. All their outfits were from Gucci, and it proved that Valentina and Hayek always look fabulous, even when their outfits don't match.