Jennifer Aniston launches children’s book series featuring dog based on her pet

Inspired by her beloved dog, Jennifer Aniston will soon become a children’s author.

The Friends star has a four-book deal with HarperCollins Publishers and animation studio Invisible Studio for a series of works featuring the animated dog Clydeo, based on her own rescue pet, Clyde.

The first book, Clydeo Takes A Bite Out Of Life, with illustrations by Bruno Jacob, is scheduled for release on October 1st.

Clydeo is already a favourite on social media, with more than 100 million views across platforms since Aniston first posted about him on Instagram in 2021.

Clydeo Takes A Bite Out Of Life, billed as a “deliciously fun-filled journey of self-discovery and self-confidence”, will tell of Clydeo’s discovery that he is a gifted cook.

“I could not be more thrilled to be taking Clydeo and his stories to publishing, where he will hopefully inspire children and dog lovers alike with his adorable journey to find his true passion,” Aniston said.

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